Fourth, obtain the third download, Pack File Manager. Fifth, follow this link in your “My Computer' folders:

'My Computer/Program Files /STEAM/ STEAM APPS/ Common/ Napoleon Total War/ data/ NTF' Can you download a daily mix on spotify.

Pack File Manager For Napoleon Total War: Unlock All Factions

Click NTF Pack, like so in the below example. The point here, is that you want to open the movie maker file. Ultimately, you need to change the mod’s file format. This is the process that completes the conversion.

Pack File Manager to Unlock All Factions in Napoleon Total War

Seventh, click “Choose a Pack Action' located in the center of screen under heading.

Great War Russia

Eight, then Click 'Choose to change to a Movie.'

Replace the Newly Created NTF.Pack in the Root Folder

World War 2

Ninth, Save as NTF – Pack in my documents or desktop.

Tenth, Copy “NTF.pack' using the mouse right click function.

Eleventh, Paste “NTF.pack' back in the below subject string:

'My Computer/Program Files /STEAM/ STEAM APPS/ Common/ Napoleon Total War/ data/NTF'

(Click replace)

Click on NTF Shortcut on desktop to begin playing Napoleon Total War: Total Factions

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Great War Militaria

Finally, you will see the success of this multi-step process, and you commence playing one of the many factions by clicking on the campaign button as seen in this picture. From there, you choose your faction and are soon faced with a 'black screen.' Do not worry or panic. This 'black screen' is a bug that is quickly corrected with a random click on the minimap. Have fun stopping the great Napoleon! Studio one 2.6 free download.